One that would have the fruit must climb the tree
Ramblings of
Alex Lovett


Up a Level - error_log - Experiments - Store


Unity5 - Reality_2.0 - Math_Art - Lilly - Drawing - GameDesign - Inspiration - XFactor - Valideus - Food - WheelReview - GKN - Lumen - WishList - RoundTree - Painting_with_Light - House - Website - Fridge
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I want to be a virtual architect!!! agahahaha why am I not!!!

Polishing my Marathon collection (again)

I'm such a nerd.

Fire! Fire! of the authentic and dangerous variety.

INP INTJ Personality Profiles

Stuart = Mr Angry

rsync webdav

cleaning day

Odd undocumented features?

arha random restart = stupid usbo bug eject thing,
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It's a mouse cat!

Link: --- local_story_072154828

The owner says the nose, mouth and ears look like that of a mouse, but the rest of the body is that of a cat.

every 10000 years evolution jumps, prepare to meet the x-cats
evolved to look just like mice
they infiltrate the mouse cities and devaste the population

Oh now come on

Some people


Nvidias next card will be external and have wheels.

ot my mac mini and x800, been trying to install windows on it, got it workng, but borked the video drivers.. twice. so I\'m giving up for now. Frontrow isn't working either now.. *shrugs* and stuart is outside trying to break into the house cus he has no key still. Hes failing this tiime, hopefulyl he has to sleep outside. Oh and mark got sacked.

yay, my card now handles

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FIRE FIRE house burnt down


5 June

6 June, broke my neck, fun!

11 June
i just tried using my mates PC for network rendering
it keeps turning itself off
from overheating
so craptastic
1 step away from simply bursting into flames,... I rekon if I tried my other mates comp that WOULD happen

jesus It's hot in here though, 30 during the day and it feels hotter at night, drive bay is struggling to stay at right temp.

Pikced up my mini, I guess... I\'m finally finished! wooooo yay

I think it s safe to say I\'m not using my diary anymore


, need to change it t be month orientated not week, and to fix the auto create script.

My new Cinema4D theme:


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Just had idea to have thumbnails slide out from the top of the site when you push the cursor up. These removes the modality to a degree unifying the UI. A click would drop this down to a set ratio and a 2nd click would slide it back up

I have drank 4 litres of squash (fruit concentrate) this week
That's gotta be around 20 litres of water intake a week

Bunch of stuff to write about but, just been working instead!

This semester is a carbon copy.

My sleeping pattern!

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Went in to Uni, Sheila is ill, no one told us, came back home. Fin

Bastards are at it again stealing my ideas. This time in patent form.

I'm really worried about the guy who drew these hands:

IM TIRED *yawn*

nottingham, carbon copy,

Flash = Crash
Fucking fuck stick, takes 4 hours to do fucking fuck intro for fuck site, you fuck.

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Life's hard. It's even harder when you're stupid. -- John Wayne
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Site and content designed, built and massaged by
Alex Lovett
( HD6 / HeliosDoubleSix )
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