I've been thinking about things, and have decided to focus more on Motion Graphics and general 3D
I think i'll finish him one day, when the tools are available to me, I\'m waiting on Zbrush 3 which I need to do the high level detailing, and the game I designed this for UT2007, still isn't out
I think i'll finish him one day, when the tools are available to me, I\'m waiting on Zbrush 3 which I need to do the high level detailing, and the game I designed this for UT2007, still isn't out
and I don't have a computer that could even run it if it was.Strikingly similar, yet different.. perhaps It's inspired.
I've been playing with the technique of capturing normal maps with a lamp and a camera, using just 4 photos:
Underwater effect by adding a specular highlight. And a chrome effect by adding an environment map, all displayed in realtime, now that's fun!
And all from assembling 4 photographs
Underwater effect by adding a specular highlight. And a chrome effect by adding an environment map, all displayed in realtime, now that's fun!
And all from assembling 4 photographs
(Well and a very simple base mesh of a bowl shape)Just messing, one day ill get back to modelling this guy.
I've finally got a copy of Cinema 4D R10 woot!
Windows crashed and decided to eat my Mac partition, thanks.... lost all my games. Then I was writing a script to make aliases and I overwrote 10 films with... yah.. with aliases to themselves... wonderful. *bangs head*
This doesn't really need a caption.