Living is hard, It's taken years off of my life
Ramblings of
Alex Lovett



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Unity5 - Reality_2.0 - Math_Art - Lilly - Drawing - GameDesign - Inspiration - XFactor - Valideus - Food - WheelReview - GKN - Lumen - WishList - RoundTree - Painting_with_Light - House - Website - Fridge




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I've been thinking about things, and have decided to focus more on Motion Graphics and general 3D

I think i'll finish him one day, when the tools are available to me, I\'m waiting on Zbrush 3 which I need to do the high level detailing, and the game I designed this for UT2007, still isn't out


and I don't have a computer that could even run it if it was.

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11.09 Edited a default head to fit my alien, just basic, but it looks quite good, though I feel bad for ripping off a human head model

It's been itching me all the time, but I've been ignoring it... the feeling... I want to chang a lot about the helmet model, I've been pretending I did'nt want to..
but I can't stop anymore! time to get brutal with the model and tear it down!

Inspired by my draft head I realized it was getting far to square, even though on there own I loved the weighted edges of the earlier helmet, it just didn't work as a whole. The model is really screwed up at this point as I brutaly attack it from all angles. It's times like this you wish you had spent that extra week getting the base shape correct.

New Summer!

Experimenting with normal maps

Maya 7, still some glitches,

Maya 7, I think It's capping it

Legs getting better

make upper leg thinner and knee thinner to stop balloon pants effect™

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22.08 Beauty Shot

23.08 Radiosity Test, head slit and neck modeled.

26.08 Head in Director, Shockwave file playing in web browser, interactive.

Model with dynamic hair follicles, no wait, It's my desktop picture peeking through.

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Warmup.. hehe

28.07 Here he is, lookin sexy

Valideus ex abyssus - DestoyerGod out of/ from within hell, I dunno, my latin isn't very good, but it sounds cool so that's his name

Sketches from the 18th of June


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Designing and modelling a character for a game
10th June project start.

Box Man made for test export purposes

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