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Alex Lovett



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Tags: - C4D - Vray
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Playing in Vray:

Stanford Dragon Model. 10 Minutes to Render at not very high quality. Looks great


Rendertime: 15 Minutes on 5ghz G5 at 2x the above res.

The walls/window in background are a photograph/HDR which is lighting and reflecting in the 3D objects.

Make you don't overlook the importance of the DMC Sampler - Adaptive ammount. I've often had trouble making a render look smooth without noise, even when setting hemispheric sub divisions all the way to 1000 (its max value) if It's still noisy you need to change the DMC value here:

The DMC Sampler - Adaptive amount

It can be very sensitive to changes if you have high hemispheric sub-divisions so only change in small increments. It acts like a multiplier of all the other settings in a way, but It's a bit more complex than that it seems. I don't fully understand it, but It's significant.

Lowering that number increases the overall quality really. Very handy.

So when your increasing values all over the place but still can't seem to get smooth noise free renders, just lower that. Or alternatively if your render is smooth but takes forever, increase it


Small pieces taken from final render:

Also Vrays Fresnel effects seem broken to me, So I made my own using cinemas fresnel shader. Gives you more control over the gradient then simply entering in a IOR.

Just noticed a made a big mistake with the fresnel, win a gold star if you can spot what it is.

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