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Alex Lovett


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Tags: - Programming - Games - Unity - Shadowood
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There are a total of 0 books on advanced Unity 3D with C#

I mean... seriously, what are you doing learning Unity if you need this bit explaining this verbosely:

That explanation did not need to take up that much space


Speaking of learning to code, it is funny to think how far I have come, even if it feels like I am not moving sometimes

Not long ago something like this would have made me quite emotional:

And now it just makes me screw my face up a bit

( it was complaining because I was using a nullable values represented by question marks. Your chance of figuring that out if you just started C# about the same as == null ?? -1

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Sometimes I live in the country. Sometimes I live in the town. Sometimes I get a great notion. To jump in the river and drown -- Ken Kesey
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