I've been very lonely in my isolated tower of indecipherable speech
Ramblings of
Alex Lovett


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Ok it is apparent writing to this journal of randomness is not something I do often enough, in fact add that to the long list of things I don't do enough

Exercise, Travel, Work etc etc

And all the things I haven't done, checked off, got round to reading, watching, listening to and playing

Vast, easily 1000's of times greater than the usable years in a single life

Life very much is becoming more apparently stream like, where you dip in, versus a list of things you check off and 'achieve'

Still this realization helps me little, either in figuring out what I am to do tomorrow, or the equally bewildering question of what on earth it was I even did yesterday

Ah but how the last 12 months have been fun, so so fun


LetterPress = TimeVampire

Igloo is no more

Aww my moms diet dinner on the right... very sad:

Sadness ensued:

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