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Ramblings of
Alex Lovett


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More work on engineering animation:

Nearly wrapped it up now. (I hope)

Ugh, working at 4 in the morning again, and still no final render, but it is going now.. slowly.

Ahahahha I have the hiccups really bad, I could DIE!

phew, my patented technique worked instantly. Quite simply, you put your life in your brains hands by holding a ton of water in your mouth so that if you did hiccup, you would probably die


Wait a few seconds till you would normally hicupy, and nothing.. It's gone, tadda, or if your unlucky to have a genetic makeup unwise to hiccups, you'll be choking on a lung full of water, but it works for me everytime.

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All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream -- Edgar Allan Poe
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( HD6 / HeliosDoubleSix )
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